First and foremost we would like to go ahead and thank you for your comments.

I know its of many believe that declaring someone with Kleptomania can be a challenged and it can mainly be seen as a way out from a bad situation. However, because Kleptomania does exist as well as the common thief it has become challenging to believe when someone claims to have this disorder.

Prior to choosing this disorder I did hear about Kleptomania and the problems that a disorder of this magnitude can take a toll on a family relationship. The risky part of this disorder is that it can attack any range of people, and it could come about from any reason, and there isn't a definite solution as to any addiction.
Stephanie M
2/27/2013 12:13:29 pm

I am not going to lie. I wish I had kleptomania because I would have a lot more stuff than I do now! Five finger discount with a legitimate excuse sounds good to me! Honestly though, I don't know anyone with this disorder, but I didn't know there was treatment for it! Awesome job, guys!

2/27/2013 12:15:22 pm

This is a very interesting topic for me because I knowsomeone with this disorder. One of my close friends was a klepto and whenever he would leave my house, I would make sure he left empty handed. More then twice I caught him in in the act.

Julian Rodas
2/27/2013 12:57:29 pm

Very interesting problem, especially because I never heard of it. It should be very hard to identify somebody with this health problem since there is no test available to perform only the physical and psychological. Also, the fact that the symptoms are not clear makes the decision even harder for a doctor to declare someone sick. Thankfully there are many ways to control the person with this condition. Definitely this is one of the hardest problems that I have read in our projects.

Stephen Clarke
2/28/2013 02:40:21 am

WOW... This is a fun but informative website. I had no idea that there was medical/mental issues that lead to inpulsvie theft. I learned that it is hard to live with someone that steals everything for no reasone because there would always be that worry of what is it this time or how bad is it. Is hard for the doctors because there is no medical link to this disorder. this is a psychological disorder that requires a psychologist and some physicals to diagnose


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    February 2013

